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Mining in the Outdoors

Forget the heat, lets mine in the snow

So, I've been mining inside for about a year, normally with one or two pieces of hardware. I lived in a one room apartment then, so the heat and noise was a bit crazy. Luckily I live in a proper several room flat with a fairly large balcony, which will now be the new stage for my small mining farm.

What's involved

So all that's really involved is as follows:

  • 1 x large rubbermaid storage unit
  • 2 x 6 inch vents
  • 2 x 4 inch vents
  • 1 x 6 inch blower fane
  • 1 x 4 inch blower fan
  • 2 x 3 slot extension cords
  • 1 x router
  • 3 x ethernet cords
  • 1 x piece of cardboard for a divider
  • 3 x miner PSU
  • 3 x Antminer S5

Here's a little video of the rig that I have set up:

So now you should have an idea of exactly how it's set up. There's many ways to build an outdoor unit like this, but this was just my vision.

I just wanted to go through some of the reasoning behind how its set up, to help educate some of your decisions if you plan on making something like this. The miner and PSU fans suck in the air from the intake vents on the side, which means they're taking in cool air from outside. Then at the opposite side of the box we have 2 fans blowing out all the hot air. The divider helps make sure that only cool air is being pulled in and only hot air is being pipped out. Then we have our two extension cords going from inside the box through the window (sealed with sticky insulation).

As always, if you have any questions, reach out to me and im always happy to help. And remember, if you like what i'm doing, please support my blog and visit one of the sponsors.


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