What is it?
StorjShare is decentralized cloud storage. Think of Dropbox, they are a company that provides cloud storage where the data is stored on their hardware (inside of data centers in server rooms). StorjShare differs from their service a fair bit.
Instead of having a server room, or data center where all the data is stored locally, StojShare stores data to any storage device that is connected to it's network. This kind of distribution of storage is also very optimal for transfer speed because you could be saving your data on a computer in your neighborhood which is certainly much faster than relying on a server possibly on the other side of the country, or possibly further.
Now you might be thinking "Well, i don't want my neighbors to have my photos of family.", worry not, one of the most interesting concepts in this protocol is the encryption of your stored files. When you save a file to the network, the file is actually saved in "shards", which as you can imagine is a piece of the file. This way, your file is never available on one storage device keeping your files safe from even people with malicious intentions.
StorjShare summarizes it like so:
End-to-end encrypted,distributed object storage, where only you have access to your data. Powered by blockchain payments.
Getting Started
Getting your storage on the network is very easy!
- Download the gui from https://storj.io/share.html
- Enter your Eth address into the gui
- Tell it how much storage you want to rent out
- Profit
Based on the space being used and the amount of data you deliver back to the users, you get paid out each month.
- Community
- Stat Monitoring
- Networking diagnostic (In case issues arise - this is a good way to troubleshoot your ports)
- News and Updates
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