What is it? StorjShare is decentralized cloud storage. Think of Dropbox, they are a company that provides cloud storage where the data is stored on their hardware (inside of data centers in server rooms). StorjShare differs from their service a fair bit. Instead of having a server room, or data center where all the data is stored locally, StojShare stores data to any storage device that is connected to it's network. This kind of distribution of storage is also very optimal for transfer speed because you could be saving your data on a computer in your neighborhood which is certainly much faster than relying on a server possibly on the other side of the country, or possibly further. Now you might be thinking "Well, i don't want my neighbors to have my photos of family.", worry not, one of the most interesting concepts in this protocol is the encryption of your stored files. When you save a file to the network, the file is actually saved in "shards...
MinerGate is GUI mining program that is incredibly simple to get started with. With MinerGate you can mine any of the following: AEON BCN BTG DSH ETC ETH FCN INF8 MCN QCN XDN XMR ZEC If you're new to mining or don't like using all the command line miners you've tried before, getting started is super simple. Create an account at MinerGate (Click here) Download MinerGate's miner Install Login Start Mining You don't need to set up any wallets or anything like that since your logged in everything is saved to your account and you can just mine away until you want to withdraw your currency. If you're not sure what currency you want to mine, they even have the option to run the "Smart Miner" which mines the most profitable coin for you. Set the intensities of mining to your needs, you can adjust them to mine while you use your computer so you're always mining. Going to bed? Just increase the intensity overnight ...